



Our mission is to create an inclusive community  & family that help people at every age and every stage in their life realize their fitness potential and improve their quality of living overall.

Being a part of Poise  you even really explain it in words, sure there is a definition of what makes us different than another gym, but you need to experience it. From a holistic point of few on fitness, strength & conditioning is the most beneficial regime out there when done safely and properly while being coached by someone that understands limitations and when something needs to be scaled or substituted. With this  you will reach your optimal fitness level.

Whether it’s taking care of the grandkids or playing with your kids at the park, planting a garden, playing hockey or running in a race to put out a fire or catch the bad guys. this type of training shows time and time again to never give up, that failure is never an option as long as you keep trying.

We are Fitness. Family. Community.

We are in this together.


Knowledgeable Coaches

We are proud to say we have some of the most knowledgeable coaches who are the best in their specialty fields:

See full bios under coaches tab!

  • Kendra Johnsen– Owner and head coach- trainer for over 13 years,  5x CrossFit Games Regional Athlete, CrossFit Level 1 & 2, Olympic Lifting, CF Gymnastics, personal trainer specialist, Certified in Sport and Exercise Nutrition
  • Becky Mantha: CrossFit Level 1, Mad Scientist and dedicated athlete of CrossFit Poise since 2010
  • Tricia Duggan: CrossFit Level 1, PTS, runs our mommy and baby boot camp “Running on Empty”
  • Kat Banks:  CrossFit Level 1, Martial Arts guru, Canadian Forces
  • Michele Banks:  CrossFit Level 1, mad dance skills, “intimidating sweetheart”

Affordable prices

Poise group classes are like personal training for a fraction of the price. There are many membership packages to choose from and discounts on every month! Kendra will always do her best to accommodate those who are wanting to take their health and fitness to the next level. Never hesitate to reach out to find out more and how we can help.

No Contracts

We don’t use machines, we make them. Therefore there are no hidden fees or contracts upon enrolling. You are in complete control over your membership month to month.

However, if you sign up for 6 months or more there is a discounted price. Talk to Kendra for more details.

Family Environment

We aren’t just a gym and you aren’t just a number. We are family and close friends. We will notice when you are having a bad day or miss a day at the gym!!

Our Mantra here at Poise:

“Is what you’re doing today getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow? Give yourself permission to get uncomfortable, to push yourself, to earn it. Believe in yourself and rise to the challenge.

Poise: a place not bound by size, age or ability. Where technique is taught, friends are made and where we are committed to helping you become the best version of yourself. Clear your mind of can’t.

Poise: where the only person we compare you to is who you were yesterday. Do it now because sometimes tomorrow never comes…”

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Poise Strength & Conditioning.

We are Fitness.

We are Family.

We are Community.

We are stronger together.

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7 AM - 9PM
7 AM - 9PM
7 AM - 9PM
7 AM - 9PM
7 AM - 7PM
10 AM - 1PM
Sunday- CLOSED
© Poise Strength & Conditioning